
Detroit Public Schools expands bilingual education programs

Detroit Public Schools serves more than 6,000 bilingual students, speaking 30 different languages. While expanding its bilingual and English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) offerings to students and parents, the DPS has announced a new opportunity for teachers to seek tuition reimbursement if they obtain a Bilingual Endorsement.

Spain recognizes Maestro Ramón Tebar

The conductor and pianist received the Cross of the Order of Civil Merit from King Felipe VI. The distinction is an official recognition of Tebar's cultural achievements and the extraordinary work he has done to preserve the common heritage and to strengthen the ties between Spain and United States.

Instituto Cervantes New York to host a presentation on the economic value of Spanish in the United States

The Fundación Telefónica's study “The Future of Spanish in the United States: The language of Hispanic Migrant Communities” and “The Economic Value of Spanish as an International Language”, will take plance Wednesday December 10, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

More dual language programs coming to New York City

There are currently 110 dual language programs in elementary schools and a handful more in middle and high schools across the five boroughs, most are in Spanish. Next fall, the city will open about 40 more.

Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial launches Spanish supported self-publishing platform—powered by Author Solutions was launched last month. It is designed to provide Spanish authors a wide array of publishing, marketing and distribution services.

Editorial Edinumen and Cambridge University Press unite effort to offer innovative and new Spanish-language materials

Chema Ramos, CEO and executive director of Editorial Edinumen, talked to ARS about their partnership with Cambridge University Press for publishing Spanish-language materials in the United States. Edinumen is a global publishing houses specialized Spanish-teaching materials, and Cambridge is a well-respected publisher, with experience in second language teaching.

Hispabooks makes available topical books by innovative Spanish writers to U.S. readers

Hispabooks, set up by two English-speaking Spanish editors, published seven contemporary works of translated Spanish literary fiction last year. These works, diverse in their style and content, are challenging the stereotype of modern Spain.

Guadalajara International Book Fair: “ Here comes everybody”

For Juan Cruz, the success of FIL can be summarized in a Shakespeare's motto “Here comes everybody.” As Cruz explains, seeing what happens at FIL, and how it happens, everybody comes to the event, the epicenter of the Latin American and international literature, which has become the best thing that could happen to the continent, the Spanish-language and the adjacent languages and universes.

Book store launches fundraiser for youth and Spanish-language programs

Word Up, the Washington Heights (NY) book store run by volunteers, is hoping to raise $25,000 through an IndieGoGo campaign that launched December 1st. The goal is to expand the shop’s Spanish-language and youth-oriented inventory and programming. The campaign ends January 18, 2015.

Students are learning a foreign language in Baltimore area schools

A renewed interest in teaching young children to speak a foreign language is catching on, driven by workplace forces and demand from parents. In Baltimore County's 10 elementary schools a foreign language is being taught for the first time this year.

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