
Spanish-Language immersion schools are gaining popularity

There is a growing number of families enrolling their children in immersion schools, where half to all the curriculum is taught in a language other than English.

Developers of apps for Spanish-speakers hope to grow with Amazon's help

Etermax, Pocoyo Pic and Obras Escogidas, are the winners of the contest created by Amazon Spain to discover the best app for Spanish speaker users. Representative of the three companies visited Amazon headquarters in Seattle.

31 years later, fair is bigger and better

Miami Book Fair International's chair, Mitchell Kaplan evokes the first edition of the fair, 31 years ago, and describes how the event has thrived to become what it is today.

Recent Cinema from Spain starts this week in Miami with the premier of “The Unexpected Life”

For three days, November 20 to 23, Miami will host the IV edition of Recent Cinema From Spain, that also includes the premier screening of “Ismael” “10.000KM”, “Family United” among other films, and a round table iwhit filmmakers and actors attending this year's event.

Author and editor Sergio Ramírez wins Carlos Fuentes Prize

Nicaraguan writer and editor Sergio Ramírez has won the $250,000 Carlos Fuentes Prize for Literary Creation in the Spanish Language, awarded by Mexico’s Arts and Culture Council (Conaculta) and National Autonomous University (UNAM) to authors writing in Spanish.

“Breve Historia” collection hits 100 titles with a book on Trafalgar battle

Ediciones Nowtilus publishes “Breve Historia de la Batalla de Trafalgar” (Brief History of the Battle of Trafalgar) by Luis E. Íñigo Fernández, to celebrate the 100th title of the collection. The book is out this fall.

Soccer and literature meet this week at Instituto Cervantes New York

“Great voices from Mexico” event features Juan Villoro's “The Private Life of the Goal”, Wednesday, November 19, at 7 p.m.

Isabel Allende has been awarded a 2014 Presidential Medal of Freedom

This week, President Barack Obama announced the 19 recipients of the 2014 Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Chilean author is one of them. The medal is the highest civilian honor in the United States, and it’s given to those who have made notable contributions to the country’s security and national interests, world peace, or to significant cultural endeavors.

Miami Book Fair International starts this weekend

Acclaimed Mexican author Elena Poniatowska will be opening the Spanish part of the fair, Sunday at 7:30 p.m. There will be presentations, in English and Spanish, every day of the week. The annual event ends the following weekend with the traditional street fair.

Author María Dueñas' next stop is New York

The Spanish author arrives to Instituto Cervantes New York, Monday, November 17th at 7 p.m., to talk about her latest novel, “The Heart Has Its Reasons.”

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