IndieBound IndieBound gives you all the tools you need to link to books through indie bookstores. Our online family of independent booksellers offers customers over 3.5 million titles.
EUROPEAN BOOKSELLERS FEDERATION EBF is an international non-profit association registered in Belgium and which first existed from 1968 to 1993 as GALC (Groupement des Associations de Libraires de la Communauté européenne). In 1994, it became the European Booksellers Federation.
CONFEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE GREMIOS Y ASOCIACIONES DE LIBREROS The latest news of the Confederation and its members.
BOOK SITE Provides a complete online bookstore solution that can be tailored to your needs.
AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION Founded in 1900, the American Booksellers Association is a not-for-profit organization devoted to meeting the needs of its core members of independently owned bookstores with retail storefront locations through advocacy, education, research, and information dissemination.