OverDrive adds tens of thousands of non-English eBooks to library catalog

Popular Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Turkish titles enhance catalog of 700,000

OverDrive (www.overdrive.com), the leading global digital distributor of eBooks and audiobooks to libraries and schools, has added thousands of foreign-language materials in dozens of genres to its broad catalog of more than 700,000 digital titles available across the globe. OverDrive's online catalog, Content Reserve, which contains digital books in more than 50 languages, recently added popular and bestselling titles in Russian, Swedish, Portuguese, Italian and Turkish with thousands of Spanish eBooks coming soon.

Recently signed global distribution agreements include:

Spanish: Santillana USA (www.santillanausa.com) offers popular adult fiction and nonfiction, including Agua para elefantes (Water for Elephants), Come reza ama (Eat, Pray, Love) and Conquistadora. Plus popular children's content, such as Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga. Middle and high school Spanish titles will make learning an adventure—great for school libraries.


Russian: MintRight (www.rumvi.com), the leading distributor of Russian language eBooks, has chosen OverDrive to distribute popular and bestselling fiction and nonfiction EPUB titles, including Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Cecilia Ahern'sP.S. I Love You.  Other notable Russian authors include Vasily Aksenov, Konstantin Dushenko, Alexander Green, Alexander Skryagin, Vladimir Voinovich and Roman Kartsev. Genres range from Russian folklore to modern literature. All titles boast worldwide rights, so Russian speaking populations across the world can enjoy.


Swedish: PubLit (publit.se) also partnered with OverDrive recently to provide more than 500 popular fiction titles in the Swedish language, including Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy, to public libraries worldwide.


Italian: Simonelli Editore (www.simonel.com) offers hundreds of Italian-language works in a wide range of genres, such as nonfiction, biography, health and fitness, reference, fiction, suspense, mystery, thriller, historical fiction and romance. Bestselling titles include Il Corsaro Nero by Emilio Salgari, Colombe maligne by Maria Santini, and Dieci giornalisti e un editore by Luciano Simonelli.


Portuguese: Emooby (www.emooby.com) is the first publisher dedicated to publishing eBooks in Portugal. Notable titles includeDerecho A La Ternura by Armando José Sequera, La Eterna Quimera by Jesús García Pérez, and Ser Felices Para Siempre by Ricardo Gil Otaiza. In Content Reserve, libraries will find Portuguese-language content in genres such as juvenile and adult literature, fiction, poetry, fantasy, short stories, science fiction, historical fiction and suspense.


Turkish: More than 200 Turkish-language digital audiobooks are available from SesleKitap (www.seslekitap.com). These WMA audiobooks include classic titles such as Alice Harikalar Ülkesinde(Alice in Wonderland), 80 Günde Dünya Turu (Around the World in 80 Days), and Alaaddin.


Content is also available to libraries and schools from OverDrive in several other languages. More than 9,000 Chinese fiction, nonfiction, lifestyle, cooking, gardening and self-improvement titles have been added to OverDrive's broad eBook catalog. Additional languages already in the catalog include French, German, Greek, Japanese, Ukrainian and many more.


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