
Latino books for youth: an honest conversation at the ALA's conference

Authors, publishers, scholars, librarians, and other key players in the field of Latino literature for youth will address issues raised by "The New York Times" article about the lack of Latino(a) authors and quality books for children. The panelists will engage in a conversation about the present and future of the Latino experience in publishing for children, as part of the American Library Association's Annual Conference & Exhibition at the end of this month.

The 72nd Madrid Book Fair ends Sunday

The Madrid Book Fair ends June 16. For some, sales have improved, for others are the same as last year. "El País" features a section on the 72nd edition of the fair, with interviews with authors, analysis, debates and much more.

Educator teaches children to be bilingual through music

NPR features the story of José Luis Orozco, who for the past 42 years has been entertaining children singing songs in English and Spanish. But more than that, the also author of books for kids is passionate about teaching children to be bilingual through music.

Book explores the rich history of the Spanish language

Los Angeles Times publishes a book review on "The Story of Spanish", where its authors, Jean-Benoit Nadeau and Julie Barlow, explore the passionate and contradictory backstory of the language of millions of speakers and the unofficial second language of the United States.

Radio station rediscovers Spanish Cultural Center in Miami

WLRN, Miami's public radio station, ran a piece on the CCE Miami (Centro Cultural Español Miami). Located in the downtown area, the center offers diverse cultural events, including literature, music and theater, like their innovative Microtheater, “small” plays of about 15 minutes, set up in the back courtyard for only about 15 spectators.

'Cuernos de mujer' is featured at Días de Cine Reading for the next two weeks

The movie, based on Carmen Rico Godoy's book, will be available at Días de Cine Reading Club until June 23rd, 2013. This initiative is sponsored by the America Reads Spanish program and the American Library Association to promote literature and the Spanish language in American libraries and universities.

Mexico commits to digital publishing push

Amazon has branched out across the world, but it is not open for business in Mexico because of a lack of internet access. With apopulation of 115 million, it is the largest single Spanish-speaking market in the world. Yet eMarketer estimates that internet adoption hit just 40.5% in Mexico in 2012, Publishing Perspectives report.

Antonio Muñoz Molina wins Asturias prize

Spanish novelist Antonio Muñoz Molina was named Wednesday as this year's recipient of Spain's Prince of Asturias Award for Literature. The 57-year-old writer and former director of the Cervantes Institute in New York was honored for "the depth and brilliance with which he has narrated relevant fragments of his country's history, crucial episodes of the contemporary world and meaningful aspects of his personal experience," the jury said, and EFE reports.

'Inferno: Spanish Edition' published by Vintage Books is #1 best selling title in Spanish in the US for week 22

Nielsen BookScan, part of the Nielsen Company (US) LLC, and America Reads Spanish (ARS) present the free, weekly list of the Spanish bestseller titles in the US Market for week 22 of 2013 (week ending 6/2/2013).

Montana school to launch the state's first Spanish immersion program

40 students at Paxson Elementary will pioneer a Spanish immersion program that is being launched by Missoula County Public Schools. The students, kindergartners and first-graders, will be the first public school students in all of Montana to experience a dual language immersion program, the Billings Gazette reports.

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