
Carlos Pardo Wins The 23rd 'El Ojo Crítico' Poetry Award

RNE (Radio and Television of Spain) has announced that the 23rd 'El Ojo Crítico' (The Critical Eye) Poetry Award 2016 sponsored by RNE has been won by Carlos Pardo with his book ‘Los allanadores’ (‘The Burglars’), "an innovative, ....

SunSentinel. Sí, teach all children Spanish

An article by Andrew Abramson, Contact Reporter, Sun Sentinel columnist. No hablas Español?
Me neither. Like most South Florida English-speaking natives, I took a couple of years of Spanish in high school.......

Bookstore News: December 19, 2016. Houston gets a Latino bookstore

Latino Bookstore Opens in Houston: The city’s newest bookstore, the nonprofit Nuestra Palabra Arts & Books, is located inside the Latino cultural arts center, Talento Bilingüe de Houston.

Book reviews by Valerie Miles

She is a writer, translator and the co-founder of Granta en Español. Read more about her book reviews in The New York Times article, December 9, 2016.

A novel set during the refugee crisis wins the Sant Jordi Prize

“David Cirici wins the award for El setè àngel (The Seventh Angel), while Jenn Díaz wins the Mercè Rodoreda Prize for stories and Maria Cabrera the Carles Riba Prize for Poetry.

Alrevés Editorial Presents "Mal trago" (Bitter Pill), by Carlos Bassas

“While preparations are well under way for Pamplona Negra, a young, vibrant literary festival of which Bassas is the heart and soul, he has just published Mal trago (Bitter Pill, Alrevés),......

Cultural Magazine "Hänsel* i Gretel*" Presents its first compilation of texts in Barcelona

The cultural magazine, sponsored by Llucià Homs and Fèlix Riera, celebrates its first half-year of existence.

Discovered in Valencia oldest sample of Cervantes’ signature

A manuscript of the writer of Don Quixote has been found: the court relation of a supposed crime, with fiction-like overtones, that supposedly happened after his captivity.

15 children books that will jumpstart their imagination

A selection of the most interesting literary novelties for children from zero to 12 years old. For a child, a book is much more than just a reading; it becomes a window to the world, For a child, a book is much more than just a reading; it becomes a window to the world, ......

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