Carlos Pardo Wins The 23rd 'El Ojo Crítico' Poetry Award

RNE (Radio and Television of Spain) has announced that the 23rd 'El Ojo Crítico' (The Critical Eye) Poetry Award 2016 sponsored by RNE has been won by Carlos Pardo with his book ‘Los allanadores’ (‘The Burglars’), "an innovative, ....

valiant book that transcends the everyday and searches for the farthest depths of intimacy,” .....according to the jury’s decision, which was made public this Thursday.

Carlos Pardo (Madrid, 1975) majored in Spanish Philology, and published his first book of poems at 19. He is the author of the poetry collections El invernadero (The Greenhouse) (Hiperión, 1995), a finalist for the Hiperión Prize; Desvelo sin paisaje (Insomnia Without a Landscape) (Pre-Textos, 2002), winner of the Emilio Prados Award; and Echado a perder (Spoiled) (Visor, 2007), winner of the Generación del 27  Award. He has also written the novels Vida de Pablo (Life of Pablo) (Periférica, 2011), and El viaje a pie de Johann Sebastian (Johann Sebastian’s Journey on Foot) (Periférica, 2014).

The jury of the award included Berna González Harbour, writer and journalist; Adolfo García Ortega, writer and translator; Rafael Espejo, poet and winner of the 'El Ojo Crítico' Poetry Award 2015; Ariadna G. García, writer, critic, translator and professor; Marta López Vilar, writer, professor and translator; Luis Antonio de Villena, poet and collaborator of the ‘El Ojo crítico’ program of RNE; as well as Juan Carlos Morales, director of ‘El ojo crítico,’ and Berta Tapia, head of the cultural section of the Information Services of RNE.

The ‘El Ojo Crítico’ awards were created by the cultural program of RNE 27 years ago with the goal of rewarding young talents, and they have become one of the best means of support for the publicity and promotion of artists in the beginning of their careers. In the next few days will be announced the winner of the special prize awarded every other year, El Ojo Crítico Iberoamericano (The Critical Spanish American Eye). There is also the Special El Ojo Crítico Prize, given to honor a full career, which was given the last time to the director of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE), Darío Villanueva. The cultural program ‘El ojo crítico’ is broadcast Monday through Friday at the 19;00 hours by Radio Nacional. It is produced by the cultural section of RNE and includes all artistic disciplines. After more than three decades on the air, it is one of the oldest programs of the network.

Read more here - El País

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