Cultural Magazine "Hänsel* i Gretel*" Presents its first compilation of texts in Barcelona

The cultural magazine, sponsored by Llucià Homs and Fèlix Riera, celebrates its first half-year of existence.

This Thursday, December 15th,  Hänsel* i Gretel* is celebrating, and it is doing it by presenting a special Compendium at the 19:00 hours, at the La Central de Barcelona bookstore (Mallorca Street, 237). Half a year after the creation of this digital publication, a project dedicated to the City of Counts (Barcelona) and its culture, it is time to reap the results of a stroll through the woods that has included some of the main and most diverse voices that represent the culture and creativity of the capital of Cataluña. One of those voices, that of José Bergamín, used to say that ideas do not have to enter one’s head, but instead to come out of it. Ignasi Aballí and Mariano Zukunaga have also left their imprint through their articles, dialogs and photographs, seducing the reader with a gaze that has no place for rushing.

Hänsel* i Gretel* is the spirit of a “thinking machine” hose main goal is to contribute to the creation of a new “cultural ecosystem” in Barcelona, according to what Llucià Homs and Fèlix Riera, the sponsors of the magazine, said the day of its presentation. This publication was born with a calling: to generate a space for reflection around the creation of culture, through critical debate and the confrontation of ideas.

Read more here - LA VANGUARDIA 


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