A novel set during the refugee crisis wins the Sant Jordi Prize

“David Cirici wins the award for El setè àngel (The Seventh Angel), while Jenn Díaz wins the Mercè Rodoreda Prize for stories and Maria Cabrera the Carles Riba Prize for Poetry.

Martín Piñol and Oriol Canosa win the Joaquim Ruyra and Folch i Torres Awards. J. B. Cendrós also wins for Mary Ann Newman as well as the Òmnium Award for Communication for Enderrock.

Refugee camps on Greek Islands, boats rescuing the shipwrecked, a journey through the morgues where those who weren’t so lucky are piled up. With El setè àngel (The Seventh Angel) David Cirici, has written a novel set during the crisis on the Aegean sea, and has won the Sant Jordi Prixe for the Novel, the biggest award in Catalan literature, worth 60,000 euros. Cirici emphasizes that the heart of the story is a family drama, that of an advertising executive whose seven year old son falls from his yacht into the sea in a storm.”

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage 

Red more here - El Periódico - Ernest Alós, El Periódico, December 16th 

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