
“Cincuenta Sombras de Grey / Fifty Shades of Grey” by E.L. James and published by Vintage Books is #1 best selling title in Spanish in the US for week 23

Nielsen BookScan, part of the Nielsen Company (US) LLC, and America Reads Spanish (ARS) present the free, weekly list of the Spanish bestseller titles in the US Market for week 23 of 2012 (week ending 06/10/2012).

Foreign publishers look for ways to compete for the rich US digital market

In his article “US to Face Domestic Competition from Overseas Digital Publishers,” Edward Nawotka analyzes the foreign competition in digital publishing for the US.

How to reaching today's bicultural latinos

Gonzalo Perez, from the marketing firm Motivo Insights, talks to MediaPost Blogs about how to reach bilingual Latinos.

Diplomas Count 2012 focus on Latino students

Editorial Projects in Education publishes the 2012 edition of Diplomas Count, with emphasis on Latino students.

Cuento de Luz won International Latino Book Awards

The children's book publisher won two first places, two second places and two honorable mentions.

Book Expo America Announces Mexico Is Guest Of Honor At Global Market Forum in 2013

The Global Market Forum runs concurrently with BEA activities, and is specifically designed to serve all international attendees as well as all domestic publishing personnel with an investment in international publishing and book industry concerns.

Instituto Cervantes New York to host two events about García Lorca this week

The film screening of the documentary “Lorca, así que pasen cien años” and the launch of “The Lover from Uruguay” will be held June 12 and 13 respectively at the institute’s quarters.

More Pre-K Programs Needed for Dual-Language Learners, says report

On her blog, Learning the Language, Lesli A. Maxwell, writes about the conclusions of a recent report from the Center for American Progress.

Días de Cine movie is now available for two weeks

“Más allá del Jardín”, based on Antonio Gala's novel, is featured at the Días de Cine Reading Club. This initiative is sponsored by the America Reads Spanish program and the American Library Association to promote literature and the Spanish language in American libraries and universities. Starting this week, the films will be available for two weeks.

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