
“Cincuenta Sombras de Grey / Fifty Shades of Grey” by E.L. James and published by Vintage Books is #1 best selling title in Spanish in the US for week 30

Nielsen BookScan, part of the Nielsen Company (US) LLC, and America Reads Spanish (ARS) present the free, weekly list of the Spanish bestseller titles in the US Market for week 30 of 2012 (week ending 07/29/2012).

Writer Héctor Tizón died Tuesday

The author, Argentinean province of Jujuy’s Supreme Court justice and diplomat was 82.

Bicultural writer tatiana de la tierra has died

Born in Villavicencio, Colombia in 1962 and raised in Miami, Florida, tatiana de la tierra (she always insisted on lower case) passed away Tuesday. Stanford University's Adan Griego remembers her.

Spanish Publishers releases the award wining novel “Slow Years”

The novel by Fernando Aramburu won the 2011 Tusquets award.

Second hand books sold by weight

Spanish book store La Casquería started selling secondhand books by the kilo reports

Santillana releases “Me llaman la tequilera”

The historical biography “They Call Me La Tequilera” by Alma Velasco not only sketches a portrait of the artist who invented the Mariachi genre as we know it, but zealously reconstructs the passionate life of the extraordinary woman known as Lucha Reyes.

Días de Cine presents “Soldados de Salamina” until August 5th

The movie, based on Javier Cercas novel is featured at the Días de Cine Reading Club until August 5th. This initiative is sponsored by the America Reads Spanish program and the American Library Association to promote literature and the Spanish language in American libraries and universities.

Fundación GRS named new president

María Isabel de Andrés Bravo was elected president of Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez last month.

Spanish Publishers introduces new collection of children's books

Uranito, an award winning collection of children's books, is imported exclusively from Argentina to the United States. The beautifully illustrated books were originally written in Spanish.

The ten must-read books before the world ends asked eight Latin American authors which are their ten essential books. Here is the list.

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