
The Miami Book Fair International announces its artistic program

Spain’s Cultural legacy is an invaluable contribution to the world in more ways than one. In light of the 500-year anniversary of the arrival of Ponce de Leon to Florida and the festivities going on in the state, the Miami Book Fair International is dedicating its 30th Anniversary to this fascinating and influential nation. features America Reads Spanish website

The section About Libros en Español, of the popular website, features America Reads Spanish and its efforts to promote Spanish-language and literature. The story, in Spanish, describes each of the sections of the website like news, new releases, bestsellers, and more, paying special attention to “The New Essential Guide to Spanish Reading.”

Boston school is receiving a planning grant to launch a two-way bilingual program

Boston Public School's interim superintendent John McDonough announced that the Mario Umana Academy in East Boston is receiving a $25,000 planning grant to launch a two-way bilingual program next year, reports.

Cátedra Vargas Llosa creates an award for best Spanish-language novel

La Cátedra Vargas Llosa and Universidad de Ingeniería & Tecnología (UTEC) in Perú announced the creation of “Premio Bienal de Novela Mario Vargas Llosa,” granted to the author of the best novel published in Spanish in 2012-2013. The winner of this award and $100,000 will be announced in March 2014. The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2013.

Three Spanish intellectuals win important literary awards

Spanish philologist and professor Ciriaco Morón Arroyo, won the “Premio Internacional Menéndez Pelayo;” Spanish historian Fernando García de Cortázar won the “Premio de Novela Histórica Alfonso X El Sabio,” and author Lorenzo Luengo won the “Premio de Novela Ateneo de Sevilla”.

LIBER Books travel to New York City in October

Are you familiar with LIBER? It is Spain’s major Book Fair, a place for publishers to show their newest books. In the past, many U.S. librarians were invited to the Fair by the Spanish Government. But this year, because of Spain’s severe economic crisis, very few U.S. librarians will attend.

Third International Ebook Symposium in Mexico enthusiastic embracing the ebook

Writers, academics, publishers and entrepreneurs participating in the event, acknowledged the need to harness the burgeoning ebook and turn it to publishers’ and authors’ advantage, Publishing Perspectives reports.

Mexican artist creates only Spanish-language second-hand bookstore in New York

To create an itinerant second-hand bookstore, Mexican artist Pablo Helguera came up with an idea: he would request Spanish-language books in exchange for his own artwork. As for the name for the new venture, there was one natural choice: Donceles, a tribute to Mr. Helguera’s book-loving hometown.

Educate to fight piracy

In a column published by El País, Blanca Rosa Roca, editor and founder of Roca Editorial, discusses the debacle that in her opinion the publishing industry suffers.

Martín de Riquer, the oldest member of the Royal Spanish Academy, dies

De Riquer was the oldest member of the Royal Spanish Academy, where he occupied the chair H since 1964.

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