
Get to know this week's list of best selling titles for week 25 ending on June 21, 2015.

Nielsen BookScan, part of the Nielsen Company (US) LLC, and America Reads Spanish (ARS), present the free weekly list of the Spanish bestseller titles in the US Market for week 25 of 2015 (week ending 6/21/2015).

Margaret Jull Costa. "There does seem to be more Spanish books being translated into English, which is terrific news and a tribute to the quality of the books being written in Spain and Latin America. There’s still a long way to go though."

Margaret Jull Costa has been a literary translator for over twenty-seven years, and has translated many of the true greats of Spanish and Portuguese literature, including Eça de Queiroz, José Saramago, Javier Marías and Bernardo Atxaga. After school, she worked as a secretary in London and spent three consecutive summers in Spain. Back in England, she decided to study Spanish at university. Translation was part of the course and she fell in love with it. Her professional career started when she did a few translations for the literary magazine Granta – “Watching the rain in Galicia” by Gabriel García Márquez was her first translation - but it was not until she was commissioned by Chatto and Windus to translate “El héroe de las mansardas de Mansard” (The Hero of the Big House) by Álvaro Pombo, that she translated her first novel in 1986. The rest is history. Since then, Margaret has received numerous awards for her work, including the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award for her translation of Marías’s A Heart So White. In 2011, she won the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize for the third time with her translation of The Elephant's Journey by José Saramago. More recently, in 2012, she was winner and runner-up of the Calouste Gulbenkian Prize for The Word Tree by Teolinda Gersão and for António Lobo Antunes's The Land at the End of the World. She works on her texts, edits, revises, and reads her translations out loud until they are as perfect as she can get them, at her home office in Leicester. Margaret is a very much-loved collaborator of New Spanish Books, she has been a panelist and frequently writes readers’ reports on books selected by the panel.

Books make it back to the trees.

City in Spain rescues old and fallen threes to transform them into public libraries.

Fnac and Salandra Graphic launch the IX Graphic Novel International Award.

Spanish publishers launch open contest for a renowned graphic novel award.

Wikipedia recognized with top Spanish prize

Online encyclopedia Wikipedia was awarded Spain's Princess of Asturias award for international cooperation.

Illinois school district expanding dual language program

The first year of a dual language program at Wheeling Township Elementary District 21's Walt Whitman and Robert Frost Elementary schools was a success and next year the program will be expanded, school officials said.

Noticeable growth in use of Spanish language around the world.

Close to 470 million people use it as native language. Forecasts show that within three or four generations 10% of the world’s population will communicate in Spanish.

Bilingualism Found to Constantly Exercise Brain

People who speak more than one language fluently process information more easily than those who know only one language, a new study shows.

New high school certificate in New Jersey’s school district rewards bilingual fluency

Pilot program certifying bilingual skills is a joint initiative between the Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey and the New Jersey Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages/New Jersey Bilingual Educators, or NJTESOL/NJBE. The goal is to give students an extra skill that will help them get jobs or credit in college. It began last year with seven districts.

Three colossal titles, “Millennium”, new Harper Lee’s, and “Grey” to release this summer.

Readers eagerly expecting these releases.

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