
Use Lahoz wins Primavera Novel Prize

The Spanish writer was awarded the prize for "El año en que me enamore de todas" (The Year I Fell in Love with Everyone), described by the jury as an "original and brilliant" work that features a pair of intertwining stories and tones.

Cervantes Institute and Mexican University will promote Spanish in U.S.

Spain’s Cervantes Institute and Mexico’s largest university are in conversations to work together in promoting Spanish language and Ibero-American culture in the United States, reports Latin American Herald Tribune.

Fundación GSR's latest newsletter in now available

The latest issue features the Casa del Lector's initiative “Aprender a leer con todos los sentidos” (Learn to read with all your senses), the beginning of a new readers club in the cloud with Rosa Montero and many other news.

Halle Berry talks bilingualism, life and career with ARS

The Oscar winner actress is ARS's Amigo del Español this month. In an extensive interview, she told us how important it is for her to raise her child as a bilingual, what family means to her, and why taking risks has been so important in her career.

'Beltenebros' is playing at Días de Cine Reading Club until March 3rd

The movie, based on Antonio Muñoz Molina's novel, will be available at Días de Cine Reading Club until March 3rd, 2013. This initiative is sponsored by the America Reads Spanish program and the American Library Association to promote literature and the Spanish language in American libraries and universities.

Study reveals that Latinos in the US see themselves as bicultural

Multicultural creative agency LatinWorks and consumer research consultancy EthniFacts conduct the study "The PLUS+ Identity — Shifting Paradigms and the Future of Latino Culture in the US" that reveals that Latinos today are less apt to embrace a “neither from here, the U.S., nor from there, the country of origin” perspective, and more likely to embrace an ambicultural there identity. investigates how to collaborate with startups

In its latest newsletter, features a study on how the book industry can improve its relation with startups. Also find information on ZincShower and Digital Minds conferences and how to register to IPECC's masters on Web Communication ad Social Media.

'Viviendo / Living' by Adamari López and published by Celebra Trade is #1 best selling title in Spanish in the US for week 7

Nielsen BookScan, part of the Nielsen Company (US) LLC, and America Reads Spanish (ARS) present the free, weekly list of the Spanish bestseller titles in the US Market for week 7 of 2013 (week ending 2/17/2013).

Manuel Francisco Reina tells a story that embraces Lorca's last love

Manuel Francisco Reina is a spanish author, born in Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz. His new book is “Los Amores Oscuros,” a story about Lorca’s lover never told. With him we had the chance to talk in Spain where he lives. Manuel Francisco is the author of titles as “Los Santos Varones,” “La Coartada de Antínoo” and “La mirada del Sol.” In his much versatile legacy we find poems, theater, and this phenomenal novel “Los Amores Oscuros” an amazing adventure that embrace the last love of Federico Garcia Lorca.

ARS's YouTube channel offers an array of entertaining and informative videos

In its YouTube Channel, America Reads Spanish features videos in different categories, such us Book Reviews, Essential Guide to Spanish Reading, and ARS Video Picks, among others. While visiting the channel, don't forget to leave your comments.

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