Born in Madrid in 1891, Salinas was a member of the so-called Generation of ’27 and was especially renowned for his love poetry.

rong>trong>Known for the authenticity, beauty and inventiveness of his writing, he strived for perfection while displaying uncommon sensitivity.trong>

trong>trong>Salinas was also a professor who taught at universities in Seville, Murcia, trong>Cambridgetrong>and trong>Bostontrong>.trong>

There are three stages evident in his literary production: that of “pure poetry” featuring works such as Presagios and Seguro azar that lasted until roughly 1932; a second stage from 1933-1939 focused on love poetry and including La voz a ti debida, Razón de amor and Largo lamento; and a third post-Civil War stage, highlighted by works such as El Contemplado, Todo más claro and Confianza, in which the internal struggle between Salinas’ faith in life and the distressing signs he saw all around him is evident.

He died in exile in trong>Bostontrong> in 1951.


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