Author: Hernán Rivera Letelier
- Fiction
- Alfaguara
- ISBN: 9788420413600
A great novel out of Antofagasta, Chile, by the winner of the Premio Alfaguara de novela and a top of all lists bestseller in Chile. A serial rapist stalks women at the Antofagasta cemetery. The victims testify that they were dragged into a mausoleum by a man with a scary voice who smelled like death. Tira Gutiérez is the person in charge of finding the culprit. He is the only private investigator in town who, until now, had only handled infidelity cases. Tira is a detective only due to his circumstances, an ex-miner who, after being unemployed, fell upon his secret passion of solving crimes. His partner is as farfetched as he is, a young nun. As the investigations continue, Sister Tegualda discovers that under her habit, she possesses a great sexuality and seductive abilities that she had never imagined.
Rivera Letelier triumphantly breaks into the police detective genre. Death is an Old Tale raises some of the issues that support current society and brings to the thriller genre an important protagonist.
ConLa muerte es una vieja historia, Rivera Letelier nos sorprende con un tono y un lenguaje creados para dar vida a una novela policiaca asombrosa ambientada en Antofagasta, al norte de Chile.Un violador acecha a las mujeres en el cementerio de Antofagasta. Las victimas declaran haber sido arrastradas al interior de un mausoleo por un sujeto de voz aterradora y que huele a muerto.Para encontrar al culpable es contratado el Tira Gutierrez, unico investigador privado de la ciudad que hasta ese momento solo se ha dedicado a resolver casos de infidelidades; un detective por correspondencia, ex minero que al verse desempleado opta por dedicarse a su pasion secreta: resolver crimenes.En este caso es asistido por la hermana Tegualda, una joven religiosa que, bajo su ropa de penitente, tiene mas sensualidad y habilidades deductivas de las que ni ella misma se imagina.Critica:Fiel a su estilo y narrativa, Hernan Rivera Letelier incursiona en lo policial con La muerte es una vieja historia sin perder su toque.