Author: Joaquin Perez
- Fiction
- Anagrama
- ISBN: 9788433998071
Una noche Nora sale a cenar con una amiga y con dos hombres. A la hora de las copas, uno de ellos intenta seducirla y, ante la negativa de Nora, la asalta sexualmente. En el forcejeo, el agresor se golpea contra un lavabo y ella huye sin saber si lo ha matado o solo lo ha dejado inconsciente. Susana, la hermana de Nora, cuida de la madre de ambas, postrada en cama y ya fuera del mundo. A partir de cartas, fotografías, cuadernos y otros objetos que Susana va encontrando por la casa, el lector irá conociendo a la madre, Amalia, a sus amigos y a su gran amor de juventud.
One night Nora goes out to dinner with some friends. After some drinks a man tries to seduce her and she refuses, but shes sexually assaulted. In the struggle, he hits his head on a sink and she runs away. Susan, her sister, takes cares of their dying mother. From letters, photographs and books that Susan finds, readers will get to know their mother.
Corazones en la oscuridad (Hearts in the Darkness), by Joaquín Pérez Azaústre, Editorial Anagrama
August 11th, 2016
“Corazones en la oscuridad (Hearts in the Darkness) has a central character, Águeda, an old woman who lies unconscious in bed after a fall, surrounded by her daughters: Nora, an extraordinarily competitive parking lot attendant and Susana, 17 years her elder, a teacher on the point of retirement who has recently separated. The daughters are joined by an old acting couple, friends from the old woman’s youth, who live in a ghost town with a defunct airport. This desolate space is a symbol for the dark zones of the novel, which begins to focus on Nora but just as she starts to become the protagonist, chapters are inserted in a Faulknerian manner that reveal the secret the old woman wanted to tell her daughters before her accident. (The Spanish Bookstage)
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