Author: Jose Miguel Cabañas
- Non-Fiction
- Ediciones Nowtilus
- ISBN: 9788499677880
Conozca la azarosa vida del Príncipe de los Ingenios, máxima figura de la literatura Española e inventor de la novela moderna. Descubra su exilio, cautiverio en Argel, su carácter crítico y contestatario, cómo se convirtió en el Manco de Lepanto, sus encontronazos con Lope y su auténtica vocación: el teatro. Una rigurosa crónica de la peripecia personal, plagada de aventuras, del genial autor de El Quijote, obra cumbre de la literatura universal y figura clave del Siglo de Oro. Conozca a Miguel de Cervantes, autor del Quijote e inventor de la novela moderna. Acérquese a una obra que plantea aspectos de la vida del autor que sin duda le sorprenderán. La cautividad en Argel, sus encontronazos con Lope y su deseo de ser un gran autor de comedias, las acusaciones de asesinato hacia su familia, su huida a Sevilla.
Find out about the venturesome life of the Prince of Wits, who was the greatest figure of Spanish literature, and the creator of the modern novel. Discover his exile; his captivity in Algiers; his critical and rebellious character; how he became the Manco de Lepanto (“The One-Handed Man from Lepanto”); his skirmishes with Lope de Vega; and his truest call, theater. A rigorous chronicle of the personal saga, chockfull with adventure, of a man who was a key figure of the Spanish Golden Age and the masterly author of Don Quixote. Get close to a book that reveals facets of the life of his author that will undoubtedly surprise you. His captivity in Algiers; his skirmishes with Lope de Vega; his desire to be a famous playwright and write great comedies; the murder accusations made to his family; his flight to Seville…