Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
- Fiction
- Alfaguara
- ISBN: 9781941999707
En Cinco esquinas, Mario Vargas Llosa crea un mural riquísimo en detalles y contrastes en el que personajes de muy distintos ambientes sociales se ven afectados por el pavor provocado por el terrorismo de Sendero Luminoso, el periodismo amarillista y la corrupción asociada a las esferas de poder durante el gobierno de Fujimori. La historia comienza cuando Rolando Garro, director de un semanario sensacionalista, intenta destruir la reputación de un exitoso ingeniero de minas con unas fotos en las que aparece en una situación comprometida. Todo se tambalea cuando la miseria moral se pone de manifiesto.
In Five Corners, Mario Vargas Llosa creates a mural, rich in details and contrasts, in which characters from very different social circles find themselves affected by the terror provoked by the Shining Path, tabloid journalism, and the corruption associated with the ruling elite during Fujimori’s administration. The story begins when Rolando Garro, director of a sensationalist weekly paper, tries to destroy a successful mining engineer’s reputation with photos of him in a compromising situation. Everything starts to topple when moral poverty is exposed.Five Corners will be published simultaneously in Spain, Latin America, and in the United States in Spanish. Its release will coincide with the ceremony of homage to the author in the Vargas Llosa Biennial on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Alfaguara will celebrate this anniversary with the re-release of eight of his career’s most emblematic novels in a limited edition. Five Corners will also be available in digital edition, along with the rest of the catalog.