Author: Emilio Aragón "Miliki", Rita Irasema, Manuel Feijó, Virginia Rodríguez
- Fiction
- Ediciones Aljibe, S.L
- ISBN: 9788497007993
Magic, fantasy, life lessons, emotions, and something of an autobiography take turns in this posthumous publication of stories by Miliki the clown, Emilio Aragón. This multimedia set contains a printed book and a USB drive with audiobook narration by Rita Irasema, Aragón's daughter, as well as his nephew and niece Manuel Feijó and Virginia Rodríguez. The set also includes a biography, a photo gallery, and interviews with Aragón's family members.
Magia, fantasía, lecciones de vida, emociones y algo de autobiografía están presentes en 30 cuentos y medio, obra póstuma de Emilio Aragón, 'Miliki', en cuyo proyecto participó el artista antes de fallecer. Se trata de un trabajo multime...