En llamas

Author: Hailey Alcaraz
- Fiction
- Vintage Español
- ISBN: 9798890981806
- Release Date: 10-29-2024


Ruby, tiene la vida con la que muchas chicas sueñan: es hermosa, rica y empoderada y solo existe una preocupación en su mente: CONSPIRAR para que Ashton el chico de al lado finalmente se dé cuenta de que están hechos el unos para el otro…. Y lo que Ruby quiere generalmente lo consigue. Su tenacidad es puesta a prueba cuando los incendios forestales de California hacen que su vida privilegiada se derrumbe.

De la noche a la mañana con el negocio familiar en ruinas y una tragedia inesperada Ruby se convierte en la cabeza de familia y responsable de su supervivencia.
La reconstrucción parece imposible, pero con la ayuda de aliados inesperados, incluido un seductor chico que no se espera, Ruby se empieza a transformar y encuentra una nueva perspectiva de la vida.

Cuando descubre que los incendios también desplazaron muchas personas indocumentadas en su ciudad, se vuelve aún más importante ayudar. ¿Se le puede culpar si es que tiene que tomar decisiones difíciles a lo largo del camino?.

En esta novela debut la autora mexicoamericana Hailey Alcaraz construye un fascinante retrato de transformación, resiliencia y amor con una heroína improbable que, cuando se enfrenta con un desastre imprevisto, sorprende a todos, especialmente a ella misma.

Gorgeous, wealthy, and entitled, Ruby has just one single worry in her life—scheming to get the boy next door to finally realize they’re meant to be together. But when the California wildfires cause her privileged world to go up in flames, Ruby must struggle to find the grit and compassion to help her family and those less fortunate to rise from the ashes.

At eighteen, Ruby Ortega is an unapologetic flirt who balances her natural aptitude for economics with her skill in partying hard. But she couldn’t care less about those messy college boys—it’s her intense, brooding neighbor Ashton who she wants, and even followed to school. Even the fact that he has a girlfriend doesn’t deter her…whatever Ruby wants, she eventually gets.
Her ruthless determination is tested when wildfires devastate her California hometown, destroying her parents’ business and causing an unspeakable tragedy that shatters her to her core. Suddenly, Ruby is the head of the family and responsible for its survival, with no income or experience to rely on. Rebuilding seems hopeless, but with the help of unexpected allies—including a beguiling, dark-eyed boy who seems to understand her better than anyone—Ruby has to try. When she discovers that the fires also displaced many undocumented people in her town, it becomes even more imperative to help. And if she has to make hard choices along the way, can anyone blame her?

In her powerful debut novel, Mexican American author Hailey Alcaraz chronicles a riveting portrait of transformation, resilience, and love with an unlikely heroine who, when faced with unforeseen disaster, surprises everyone, especially herself.

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