Siete dientes de león

Author: Ledicia Costas
- Children/Young
- Nórdica Libros
- ISBN: 9788419735812
- Release Date: 10-25-2024


Ledicia Costas is a writer who has published works of poetry for Children, Young Adult, and Adults. Seven Dandelion is her debut in the Nórdica Infantil collection. The author has been awarded with multiple prizes, including the three Lazarillo Prizes and the 2015 National Literature Prize for Children's and Young Adult.

In the depths of a forest there was a gray house where an old gray woman named Iris lived, but one night she dreamed of a color and in the morning, on her pillow she found a dandelion that was not gray. The second night, the old woman dreamed of another color that she had not seen and the second morning she found a second dandelion that was not gray either... However, the earth is still gray... Iris must find a solution for this world without colors...

En la espesura de un bosque había una casa gris donde vivía una vieja gris llamada Iris, pero una noche soñó con un color y por la mañana, sobre la almohada encontró un diente de león que no era gris. La segunda noche, la vieja soñó con otro color que no había visto y la segunda mañana encontró un segundo diente de león que tampoco era gris... Sin embargo, la tierra sigue siendo gris... Iris deberá encontrar una solución para este mundo sin colores...


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