Author: Irene G. Punto
- Poetry / Essay
- Aguilar
- ISBN: 9788403519916
- Release Date: 10-22-2019
What They All Hide is a visceral and sensitive poetry book about a subject matter that has never before been spoken about through poetry: postpartum and the origin of maternal feelings.
What They All Hide is the result of my encounter with love, pain, silence, and survival turned into verses to help shed light on many taboos that, as a woman and as a mother, I had to go through all by myself. The Spanish Language Royal Academy states that postpartum is that period from childbirth until the woman returns to her original state prior to pregnancy. But for me this definition is inaccurate and I come with a handful of poems to enrich its meaning.
"This book is a reconciliation of sorts, but it can also reopen wounds that will never heal completely. Poems that come from scars that remind me that I was there, in that place that no one had spoken to me about.” -Zahara
“There are two ways to be original and to deserve being heard: to say things that nobody knows or to say things that many hide. This book has the courage to do the latter, because it opens a window into childbirth and motherhood that had been closed shut and one through which brightness can now shine through. These poems were written by Irene G Punto, but they could have easily been by Anne Sexton or Sylvia Plath.” - Benjamín Prado
Lo que todas callan es un poemario visceral y sensitivo sobre algo de lo que nunca se ha hablado en poesía: el posparto y el origen de los sentimientos maternales.
Lo que todas callan es el resultado de mi encuentro con el amor, el dolor, el silencio y la supervivencia convertido en versos dispuestos a poner luz a muchos tabúes que, como mujer y como madre, me bebí sin sed. La RAE dice que el posparto es el periodo que transcurre desde el parto hasta que la mujer vuelve al estado ordinario anterior a la gestación. Pero para mí esta definición es inexacta y vengo con un puñado de poemas para enriquecerla.