Author: Adriana Villegas
- Fiction
- Alfaguara
- ISBN: 9789585428621
- Release Date: 10-23-2018
Esta novela narra la historia de supervivencia de una abogada colombiana que emigra a Nueva York para aprender inglés y buscar trabajo. Cristina, una abogada de clase media colombiana pierde su empleo y decide emigrar a Nueva York para buscar trabajo y aprender inglés. Sin embargo, su vida neoyorquina no es lo que esperaba: duerme en un camarote que comparte con un niño de ocho años, no tiene papeles y limpia apartamentos de familias adineradas para sobrevivir. A modo de diario, esta divertida novela da cuenta de los universos imaginarios que la protagonista construye en cada una de las casas que limpia, así como de sus avances en un idioma que no termina de dominar. La correspondencia que mantiene con su familia se presenta como un reflejo de la soledad de los inmigrantes y como una certera aproximación a una ciudad tan difícil como encantadora.
The survival story of a Colombian lawyer who emigrates to the United States to find work and learn English. Cristina, a middle-class lawyer in Colombia loses her job and decides to emigrate to New York in the hopes of finding work and learning English. However, her New York life is not what she had hoped: she sleeps on a bunk bed which she shares with an eight-year-old boy, works without proper legal documentation, and her means of survival is to clean apartments for wealthy families. This fun novel, which reads somewhat like a diary, shares the stories of the made-up universes that Cristina imagines in each of the houses she cleans, as well as her progress learning a language that she can’t seem to grasp. The letters written to and from her family offer a reflection of the loneliness that immigrants face and feel, and an accurate depiction of a city as harsh as it is charming.