Author: Anna Veiga, Marta Devesa, Alberto Rodríguez Melcón
- Non-Fiction
- Grijalbo Ilustrados
- ISBN: 9788416895267
- Release Date: 10-23-2018
Todo lo que hay que saber si te planteas ser madre a partir de los 40 años, de la mano del Hospital Universitario Dexeus, entidad puntera en salud femenina y fertilidad. «Tengo 40 años, ¿todavía puedo tener un bebé?» Cada vez es más habitual que la maternidad se posponga. El concepto de familia joven y hogareña se ha transformado a causa de las circunstancias sociales y laborales a las que las mujeres modernas se han visto abocadas en estos últimos años. A veces, incluso, se plantea la posibilidad de un nuevo hijo con una segunda pareja en la madurez. En cualquier caso, la biología juega en nuestra contra, y no todas las mujeres son conscientes hasta qué punto descienden las posibilidades de tener un hijo en edades más avanzadas.
Everything you should know if you intend to become a mother after the age of 40, together with the Dexeus University Hospital, cutting-edge entity in women’s health and fertility. “I’m 40 years old; can I still have a baby?” It’s becoming more common to postpone motherhood. The concept of a young family has changed due to social and work circumstances that women have been subject to in recent years. Sometimes it’s even the case of having a new child with a second partner later in life. In any case, biology is working against us, and not all women are aware of how low the possibilities for having children drop at a more advanced age. Here you will find orientation and support to reach your dream: before, during, and after having your baby. In this book, you will learn about the possibilities of having a baby naturally and the most common risks, about the most modern techniques of assisted reproduction, and the psychological aspects that condition later mothers. With this manual, which brings the vanguard of reproductive medicine to modern mothers, you will be able to make informed decisions.