Author: Carmen Posadas
- Non-Fiction
- Espasa
- ISBN: 9786070746178
- Release Date: 02-12-2018
An amazing and forgotten episode starring one of the most famous women in our history: Cayetana de Alba, the unforgettable muse of Goya.Eccentric, capricious and free, for over two hundred years its power of seduction has remained unchanged. However, few know that the duchess adopted a black girl, Maria Luz, whom she loved and educated as a daughter and to whom she left part of her fortune to.
Carmen Posadas masterfully tells the vicissitudes of the two mothers: the adoptive one, with their loves and dramas in the court of Charles IV, a real nest of intrigue, and the biological one, Trinidad, a slave in Spain, struggling to find the baby that was taken away from her at birth. The least known story of the most fascinating woman.
Un episodio asombroso y olvidado protagonizado por una de las mujeres mas celebres de nuestra Historia: Cayetana de Alba, la inolvidable musa de Goya. Excentrica, caprichosa y libre, durante mas de doscientos anos su poder de seduccion se ha mantenido inalterable. Sin embargo, pocos saben que la duquesa adopto a una nina negra, Maria Luz, a quien quiso y educo como a una hija y a la que dejo parte de su fortuna. Carmen Posadas cuenta con mano maestra la peripecia de las dos madres: la adoptiva, con sus amores y dramas en la corte de Carlos IV, un autentico nido de intrigas, y la de la biologica, Trinidad que, esclava en Espana, lucha por encontrar al bebe que le fue arrebatado al nacer. La historia menos conocida de la mujer mas fascinante.
About the author
has lived in Madrid since 1965, although she spent long periods in Moscow, Buenos Aires and London, cities in which her father held diplomatic positions. She started writing for children and, in 1984, she won the Ministry of Culture Prize. She is also the author of essays, film and television scripts, stories and several novels, including Pequeñas infamias, winner of the Premio Planeta of 1998. Her books have been translated into twenty-three languages and published in more than forty countries. The international reception of readers and specialized press has been unbeatable. Pequeñas infamias received rave reviews in The New York Times and The Washington Post. In 2002, Newsweek magazine welcomed Carmen Posadas as "one of the most outstanding Latin American authors of her generation". Her latest novel, Invitación a un asesinato continues the line of success among readers. Carmen Posadas has also been awarded the Apel·les Mestres prize for children's literature and the Culture Award given by the Community of Madrid.
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