El fin de la historia

Author: Luis Sepúlveda
- Fiction
- Tusquets Editores
- ISBN: 9786070741326
- Release Date: 07-07-2007


Juan Belmonte vive en el sur de Chile, frente al mar, llevando una vida sencilla y casi anónima, acompañado de algún amigo insobornable y de sus recuerdos de viejo guerrillero que ha trabajado también como agente y ha aceptado encargos de algunos de sus viejos mandos. Después de dar con las monedas de oro que evadieron unos nazis de la prisión de Spandau, Juan Belmonte recibe una llamada: debe localizar a los que quieren rescatar a un preso en el Chile de Bachelet. Se trata de un famoso torturador, descendiente de cosacos, que sabe mucho sobre quienes apoyaron la dictadura de Pinochet y lo protegieron durante este periodo. Pese a sus contactos, Juan Belmonte nunca se ha jugado tanto la piel. El fin de la Historia revalida a Luis Sepúlveda como un gran narrador, experto y ágil, capaz no sólo de trazar una peripecia pegada a la actualidad, sino de desplegar ante el lector sus conexiones históricas con la Revolución rusa y con el ejército de cosacos, que juraron un odio anticomunista feroz. Un thriller internacional y una indagación histórica sobre los verdugos que trabajaron para la dictadura chilena.

Juan Belmonte lives in the southern part of Chile, in front of the sea, and he leads a simple, almost anonymous, life, together with some incorruptible friend and his memories, those of an old guerrilla who has also worked as an agent and has taken on missions from some of his former officers. After stumbling across the gold coins that were left behind by some Nazis in the prison of Spandau, Juan Belmonte receives a call: he must locate the ones who are trying to rescue a prisoner of Bachelet's Chile. The prisoner is a famous torturer, descendant of Cossacks, who has a lot of information regarding those who supported Pinochet's dictatorship and protected him over that period. Despite his connections, Juan Belmonte has never risked his own neck this much. The End of the Story revalidates Luis Sepúlveda as a remarkable narrator, experienced and swift, capable not only of depicting unforeseen circumstances which bear such resemblance to current reality, but also of unfolding before the reader all of his historical connections with the Russian Revolution and with the Cossack army, who fiercely declared an anticommunist hatred.

An international thriller merged with historical indignation towards the executioners that worked for the Chilean dictatorship.


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