La Tejedora de sombras

Author: Jorge Volpi
- Fiction
- Booket
- ISBN: 9788408113614
- Release Date: 05-01-2015
-Reviewed by: Adan Griego

A friend maintained that when staring to read a novel, she always went to the end and read the concluding paragraphs, certainly an unusual approach.  But, the very end of Jorge Volpi's novel clarifies who are the real-life people (Christiana D. Morgan and Henry A. Murray) whose rich lives the author uses to craft a fictionalized account exploring the tumultuous love affair of these two well-known 20th century New England psychologists.

Volpi is one of the leading figures in Mexico's Generación del Crack, the literary group that has attempted a departure from the magical realism associated with Latin American literature.  The author has moved beyond garciamarquesque accounts of beautiful women ascending into heaven. Instead we have a more scientific plot, the lives of Christiana and Henry, both of whom travel to Switzerland to be psychoanalyzed by Carl Jung. Science, not magic, has been a leitmotif in Volpi's previous narratives.


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