Segundas personas

Author: Félix Chacón
- Fiction
- Bubok
- ISBN: 9788468683799


Un hombre en una tumba vertical, un camionero peligrosamente aburrido, una actriz porno recreando el cuento de la lechera, un exmarido despechado sin nada que perder, unos adolescentes que juegan a retarse, una siniestra madre coraje o un aprendiz de psicópata son algunos de los personajes que se pasean por este libro de relatos. Seres humanos que dan asco, miedo o pena, y que cobran vida con el lenguaje áspero, crudo y sin concesiones de un narrador que los trata de tú y los condena a afrontar, no siempre como esperamos, las consecuencias de sus actos.Segundas personas es un recopilatorio de individuos que se ocultan entre las sombras y que Félix Chacón consigue sacar a la luz para que no olvidemos esa parte sucia, latente e inevitable de la condición humana. Al seguir sus pasos puede que los odiemos o los justifiquemos, pero al final solo encontraremos una respuesta: no preguntarnos nunca si podríamos ser como ellos.


June 20th, 2016

“In his third work of fiction – the previous books were Uno de los dos (One of Us) and Entelequia – the author has taken on the literary challenge of writing an entire work in the second person; an experiment preceded by three stories written in the same manner. (…) What if you were trapped in a vertical tomb? Or an apprentice to a psychopath? Or a porn actress recreating the story of the milk maid? These are some of the situations presented by Chacón in his stories, characters that generate ‘pity, disgust, suffering and bewilderment’ as they are confronted by potentially shocking situations. The Bubok Prize for Literary Creation

After several failed attempts at getting his work published, two years ago the writer decided to self-publish his book on Bubok, the leading platform for independent authors.A few months ago, the 8th Bubok Prize for Literary Creation came knocking on his door, accompanied by the publisher Lengua de Trapo, who have provided an appropriate home for his work.”

Translation by

Read more:  Rosa Santiago, El Mundo, June 13th 

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