Iglesia de espías

Author: Mark Riebling
- Fiction
- Planeta Publishing Corporation
- ISBN: 9786077471646


Al revelar el plan secreto del Vaticano para asesinar a Hitler, Iglesia de espías echa abajo las acusaciones de que la Iglesia católica permaneció impasible ante el Holocausto nazi. Nada más lejos de la pasividad que la arriesgada actuación del papa Pío XII, que gracias al apoyo de católicos alemanes como Josef Müller y miembros del ejército alemán como Wilhelm Canaris y Hans Oster, logró coordinar una serie de atentados que, aunque fallidos, no solo darían cohesión a los disidentes del régimen sino que terminarían por debilitar la confianza del Führer. El experto en Inteligencia del Vaticano, Mark Riebling, logra así tejer una red de acontecimientos que se desenvuelven en medio de riesgo e intriga propios de una novela de espionaje.

The Vatican's silence in the face of Nazi atrocities remains one of the great controversies of our time. History has accused wartime pontiff Pius the Twelfth of complicity in the Holocaust and dubbed him "Hitler's Pope." But a key part of the story has remained untold. Pius ran the world's largest church, smallest state, and oldest spy service. Saintly but secretive, he skimmed from church charities to pay covert couriers, and surreptitiously tape-recorded his meetings with top Nazis. When he learned of the Holocaust, Pius played his cards close to his chest. He sent birthday cards to Hitler--while plotting to overthrow him.

Church of Spies documents this cross-and-dagger intrigue in shocking detail. Gun-toting Jesuits stole blueprints to Hitler's homes. A Catholic book publisher flew a sports plane over the Alps with secrets filched from the head of Hitler's bodyguard. The keeper of the Vatican crypt ran a spy ring that betrayed German war plans and wounded Hitler in a briefcase bombing.

Planeta's titles available at Perseus June, 2016

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