Amores trágicos

Author: Luis Benítez
- Fiction
- Ediciones Lea
- ISBN: 9789877181647


Not all love stories end well. Although there is no concrete statistic, many do have bad endings that stick with you long after the story is over. This is a review of those stories throughout history that have disastrous endings. There are certain lines that can connect one story to another whether it is the time, personality of the parties involved, circumstances, etc. Here, the author particularizes and shows what it is that triggers these tragic endings.

No todas las historias de amor acaban bien. Aunque no existe estadísticas concretas, muchas acaban mal. Esto es un repaso en la historia de esas historias que terminan de una forma desastrosa. Hay ciertas cosas que conectan una historia con otra, circunstancias, personalidades de los personajes, etc, etc. En esta obra el autor muestra es qué lo que desencadena estos finales trágicos .

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