Hombres desnudos

Author: Alicia Giménez Barlett
- Fiction
- Planeta Publishing Corporation
- ISBN: 9786070732478


Nadie puede imaginar hasta qué punto los tiempos convulsos son capaces de convertirnos en quienes ni siquiera imaginamos que podríamos llegar a ser. Hombres desnudos es una novela sobre el presente que estamos viviendo, donde hombres treintañeros pierden su trabajo y pueden acabar haciendo estriptis en un club, y donde cada vez más mujeres priman su carrera profesional sobre cualquier compromiso sentimental o familiar. En esta historia, esos hombres y esas mujeres entran en contacto y en colisión, y lo harán con unas consecuencias imprevisibles. Sexo, amistad, inocencia y maldad en una combinación tan armónica como desasosegante.

No one can imagine how the turbulent times are able to become who even imagine that we could become. Naked men is a novel about the present we are living, where thirtysomething men lose their jobs and may end up doing a striptease club and where more and more women predominate his career on any sentimental or family commitment. In this story, these men and women come into contact and collision, and do so with unforeseeable consequences. 

Alicia Giménez Bartlett was born in Almansa (Albacete) in 1951. She studied Spanish Philology at the University of Valencia and a PhD in Spanish Literature from the University of Barcelona with a thesis entitled The narrative of Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. In 1984 she published his first novel, Exit (Seix Barral). A room with others (1997) won the first literary prize of his career: the Women Lumen Prize.

In the nineties created the character Petra Delicado, the popular detective that has led so far, nine works of the series and a TV series. These have been translated into several languages, and enjoy great success in countries like Italy or Germany. She has received the prestigious Grinzane Cavour in Italy and Raymond Chandler in Switzerland.

She also cultivated the test with works such as The mystery of the sexes and Eva debt. In 2011 she won the Nadal Prize for her work where no one finds you. 

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