El blues de los gatos

Author: Alberto Blanco
- Children/Young
- Alfaguara Infantil
- ISBN: 9786070122262
- Release Date: 05-01-2015


This story starts in a dark alley in Barcelona where the cats are up and about. They need to eat and go in search of a feast. There is no scarcity of work, but they like to rest. Their games, at times, are fights that the light can calm down, and when they travel by the light of the moon, their shadows make silhouettes. At the rhythm of the blues, these verses describe stray cats in a sentimental way.

Estos poemas cuentan la historia que inicia en un callejón oscuro de Barcelona donde los gatos despiertan y salen de su modorra. Necesitan comer y van en busca de manjares. No les falta trabajo pero les gusta descansar.

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