Cómo vivir la ley de la atracción

Author: Jack Canfield
- Non-Fiction
- Punto de Lectura
- ISBN: 9786071106766
- Release Date: 07-25-2013


Before co-creating the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Jack Canfield taught the ancient principles of the Law of Attraction. In Cómo vivir la ley de atracción, he shares his knowledge and experience, offers proven tools and techniques, and clearly explains not only what you need to know, but also what you need to do to attract what you want in your life. This thought-provoking guide will take you step through the processes of defining your dreams, goals, and desires to create an amazing future.

En esta obra Canfield, uno de los mayores exponentes de la Ley de la atracción y El secreto, comparte su conocimiento y experiencia. Con sencillas palabras pone a la mano del lector la técnica y las herramientas que ha utilizado para obtener el éxito constante a través de dicha Ley.

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