El cerebro afirmativo del niño

Author: Daniel J. Siegel, MD and Tina Payne Bryson
- Non-Fiction
- B de Bolsillo
- ISBN: 9798890980663
- Release Date: 04-23-2024


¿Cómo podemos potenciar la resiliencia, la compasión y la creatividad esenciales en nuestros hijos?

Tras vender más de 350.000 ejemplares en Estados Unidos de El cerebro del niño, y permanecer, cinco años después de su primera edición, en un lugar destacado en la lista de parenting de The New York Times, Siegel y Bryson nos brindan en esta ocasión una serie de instrucciones, consejos y actividades para «resetear» el cerebro en desarrollo del niño con el fin de fomentar su curiosidad por el entorno, sus capacidades intelectuales, su equilibrio emocional, su potencial de resiliencia y su empatía; todo ello con una importante consecuencia, que no es otra que la de alcanzar la felicidad personal y familiar.
From the authors of The Whole-Brainchil and No-Drama Discipline, an indispensable guide to unlocking your child’s innate capacity for resilience, compassion, and creativity.

When facing challenges, unpleasant tasks, and contentious issues such as homework, screen time, food choices, and bedtime, children often act out or shut down, responding with reactivity instead of receptivity. This is what New York Times bestselling authors Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson call a No Brain response. But our kids can be taught to approach life with openness and curiosity. Parents can foster their children’s ability to say yes to the world and welcome all that life has to offer, even during difficult times. This is what it means to cultivate a Yes Brain.

When kids work from a Yes Brain, they’re more willing to take chances and explore. They’re more curious and imaginative, less worried about making mistakes. They’re better at relationships and more flexible and resilient when it comes to handling adversity and big feelings. They work from a clear internal compass that directs their decisions, as well as the way they treat others. Guided by their Yes Brain, they become more open, creative, and resilient.
In The Yes Brain, the authors give parents skills, scripts, ideas, and activities to bring kids of all ages into the overwhelmingly beneficial “yes” state. You’ll learn

• the four fundamentals of the Yes Brain—balance, resilience, insight, and empathy—and how to strengthen them.

• the key to knowing when kids need a gentle push out of a comfort zone vs. needing the “cushion” of safety and familiarity.

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