La Marquesa. Intriga en la corte

Author: Eve Edwards
- Fiction
- Ediciones B
- ISBN: 9786074803471
- Release Date: 04-30-2013


Lord James Lacey ha regresado a la corte emocionando el corazón de lady Jane, quien lo desea en secreto. Pero James no puede entregar su amor pues está atormentado por los fantasmas de su pasado y decide embarcarse en un viaje sin retorno buscando la absolución de sus pecados en las Américas. Cuando lady Jane es forzada por su familia a casarse con Montfleury, un duque francés de dudosa masculinidad, sólo habrá un hombre capaz de salvarla. ¿Llegará lord James a tiempo para rescatar a su enamorada antes de que sea demasiado tarde? ¿Podrá Jane resistir el peligro del deseo?

When beautiful Lady Jane begins her service to the Queen at Richmond Palace, she is thrilled to see the court's newest arrival… Master James Lacey. No matter that Jane was previously courted by the eldest Lacey brother, James is the one who has won her heart. For his part, James cannot deny his fascination with Jane; his plans, however, do not allow for love. He is about to set sail on a treacherous journey to the Americas, seeking absolution for what he sees as past sins. But when Jane is forced into a terrible situation by her own family, only one man can save her. Will Master James return to his lady before it's too late?


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