Mansfield Park

Author: Jane Austen
- Fiction
- Penguin Clásicos
- ISBN: 9788491051695
- Release Date: 03-19-2024


Fanny Price es aún una niña cuando sus tíos la acogen en su mansión de Mansfield Park, rescatándola de una vida de estrecheces y necesidades. Allí, ante su mirada amedrentada, desfilará un mundo de ocio y refinamiento en que las inocentes diversiones alimentarán maquinaciones y estrategias de seducción. Ese mundo oculta una verdad peligrosa, y sólo Fanny, desde su sumiso silencio, será capaz de atisbar sus consecuencias y amenazas.
«Desde luego Jane Austen, por su breve obra, cubrió un campo infinitamente menor que las Brontë, George Eliot o cualquiera de sus rivales posteriores; pero yo siempre he creído en la victoria de las naciones pequeñas». — G. K. CHESTERTON

Dive into the captivating world of Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park, a spellbinding tale that immerses readers in the intricate web of relationships, secrets, and social dynamics.
Set against the backdrop of the elegant English countryside, this enchanting novel follows the humble and virtuous Fanny Price as she navigates the labyrinthine world of the wealthy and privileged. With its lush descriptions, compelling characters, and a plot that brims with unexpected twists and turns, Mansfield Park promises an enthralling journey that will leave you yearning for more.

Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park stands as a literary gem, renowned for its incisive social commentary and nuanced character portrayals.

Through the eyes of Fanny Price, Austen masterfully explores the themes of love, class, and morality, delving into the complexities of human nature with unparalleled depth. This novel offers a profound critique of the societal norms and values of Austen’s time, and its relevance continues to resonate with readers today. With its richly drawn characters, evocative settings, and exquisite prose, Mansfield Park is a must-read for its ability to challenge and engage, immersing readers in a world of hidden desires, moral dilemmas, and the pursuit of happiness.


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