Todo lo que somos juntos

Author: Alice Kellen
- Fiction
- Planeta Publishing Group
- ISBN: 9786073911030
- Release Date: 02-27-2024


Three years have passed since Axel Nguyen shattered Leah Jones' heart into a million pieces, and Leah has spent every moment since distracting herself from the devastation. She tries to move on with Landon, a guy she meets in college, but she can only truly escape the thoughts of Axel when she's painting. At least one good thing has come out of all of it: her dream of exhibiting her work is finally coming true.

Axel is achingly aware of how much he misses Leah. The moment he learns about her exhibit, he can't think of anything else. Being in the same room with Leah, as beautiful and magnetic as he remembers, leaves Axel desperate and Leah breathless. He offers to be her agent; she accepts. One work trip to Paris later they are both wondering if their whirlwind romance is forever or if it's better off left in the past.

Han pasado tres años desde la última vez que se vieron. Ahora, Leah está a punto de cumplir su sueño de exponer en una galería. Y, pese al pasado, Axel necesita formar parte de un momento como ese. Cuando sus caminos vuelven a cruzarse, Leah tiene que tomar decisiones que pueden cambiarlo todo, porque, a pesar de lo que ocurrió, los recuerdos de toda su vida siguen ahí; intactos, bonitos, únicos. Colándose en cada grieta que aún no ha cerrado. Porque él sigue siendo el chico que aún no ha olvidado. Porque es el mar, noches estrelladas y vinilos de los Beatles. Porque a veces basta un «deja que ocurra» para tenerlo todo.

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