La peor semana del mundo – Lunes

Author: Matt Crosgrove and Eva Amores
- Children/Young
- B de Blok
- ISBN: 9786073833325
- Release Date: 12-05-2023


¿Alguna vez has tenido una MALA SEMANA?
Justin sí, y es ¡ESTA!

¡Justin Chase está teniendo LA PEOR ¡SEMANA DEL MUNDO! Su mamá se casó con un vampiro, su papá conduce un retrete gigante sobre ruedas, a su gato seguramente lo han secuestrado los alienígenas, un abusón ha decidido amargarle el primer día de escuela y, ahora mismo, está colgando de un trampolín de DIEZ metros, delante de toda su clase, vestido solo con un traje
de baño de estambre ¡que se está desintegrando con rapidez!

¡Y apenas es… LUNES!

Have you ever had a bad week?. Justin Chase sure has, and this is it!

His mum’s married a vampire. His dad is driving a giant toilet on wheels. His cat has probably been abducted by aliens. A psychotic bully is making his first day at a new school miserable. And right now, he’s hanging off the edge of a 10-metre high diving tower in front of his entire class, wearing nothing but rapidly disappearing crocheted swimmers. And it’s only … Monday!

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