Un patito sin suerte

Author: Gemma Merino
- Children/Young
- Obelisco, Ediciones S.A.
- ISBN: 9788491456599
- Release Date: 10-26-2023


¡Patito no tiene suerte y ya ha tenido SUFICIENTE! Pero ¿qué se supone que debe hacer un pato sin suerte? Quizá el Búho Sabio pueda ayudarle. ¿Le ayudarán sus sabias palabras a encontrar la suerte? ¿O es que ha estado buscando en los lugares equivocados? Una historia divertida y estimulante, de la galardonada creadora de El cocodrilo al que no le gustaba el agua, sobre una nueva forma de ver la vida.

After a particularly unlucky moment, Duck has had enough! Heading off to ask Wise Owl why he's so unlucky, he comes across a lonely swan, a hungry fox and a bare tree, all looking for answers of their own. Will Wise Owl's advice help Duck to find his luck after all? And has he just been looking in the wrong place all along?

From the award-winning Gemma Merino, author of the The Crocodile Who Didn't Like WaterThe Duck With No Luck is a funny, uplifting and reassuring tale about how to tackle the ups and downs of life, take a more positive look at things and appreciate all you have.

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