Los seis talentos laborales

Author: Patrick Lencioni
- Non-Fiction
- Ediciones Urano
- ISBN: 9788416997794
- Release Date: 11-01-2023


Beyond the personal discovery and instant relief that Working Genius provides, the model also gives teams a remarkably simple and practical framework for tapping into one another’s natural gifts, which increases productivity and reduces unnecessary judgment. In classic Lencioni fashion, Pat brings his model to life in a page-turning fable that is as relatable as it is compelling. He tells the story of Bull Brooks, an entrepreneur, husband, and father who sets out to solve his own frustration at work and stumbles into a new way of thinking that changes the way he sees his work, his team, and even his marriage. What sets this book—and the model behind it—apart from other tools and assessments is the speed at which it can be understood and applied, and the relevance it has to every kind of work in life, from running a company to launching a product to managing a family. In addition to this book, Lencioni and the Table Group have created a 10-minute assessment that helps individuals quickly identify their gifts and apply this model to themselves and their teams. Join the hundreds of thousands of people who have already discovered their Working Genius, and experience the transformation in your work, your team, and your life.

Este libro es la forma más rápida de ayudar a las personas a identificar el tipo de trabajo que les brinda alegría y energía, y evitar el trabajo que genera frustración y agotamiento. Más allá del descubrimiento personal y el alivio instantáneo que brinda saber cuál es tu talento laboral, el modelo también brinda a los equipos un marco notablemente simple y práctico para aprovechar los dones naturales de los demás, lo que aumenta la productividad y reduce los juicios innecesarios. Lencioni da vida a su modelo a través de una fábula atrapante y que es tan identificable como convincente. Lo que distingue a este libro, y al modelo que lo sustenta, de otras herramientas y evaluaciones, es la velocidad a la que se puede entender y aplicar, y la relevancia que tiene para todo tipo de trabajo en la vida, desde dirigir una empresa hasta lanzar un producto o a la gestión de una familia.

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