No pienses en un oso verde

Author: Luis Miguel Real
- Non-Fiction
- Vergara
- ISBN: 9788419248565
- Release Date: 10-24-2023


Si pudieras controlar tus pensamientos, no necesitar as este libro.

Dejemos las cosas claras: no podemos controlar nuestra mente. Los pensamientos vienen y van, se meten en nuestra cabeza y no hay forma de sacarlos de all . Y nos duelen, nos reconcomen y a n nos duelen y nos reconcomen m s los esfuerzos que hacemos para liberarnos de ellos. Si tratas de no pensar en un oso verde, el oso verde aparece, y no hay m todo ni disciplina que lo haga desaparecer.

El psic logo Luis Miguel Real expone en este, su primer libro, las claves para convivir en paz con nuestra mente, nuestra compa era de viaje, en las verdes y en las maduras. De este modo, nos ense a que en realidad no debes controlar tus pensamientos, sino simplemente aprender a llevarte bien con ellos.

Let’s be clear: it is impossible to control our minds. Thoughts come and go; they get into our heads and there is no way to get them out of there. They hurt us, they eat at us, and what hurts us most are the efforts we go through to free ourselves from those thoughts. If you try not to think about a green bear, the green bear will appear, and there is no method or technique you can do to make it disappear.

Psychologist Luis Miguel Real exposes in his first book the keys to living in peace with our minds, our travel companion, in good times and in back times. In this way, he teaches us that you should not try to control your thoughts, but simply learn to get along with them.

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