El lapicero maléfico

Author: Aaron Raynolds & Peter Brown
- Children/Young
- Editorial Picarona
- ISBN: 9788491456179
- Release Date: 05-15-2023


Jasper Rabbit tiene problemas en la escuela. NO quiere hacer sus deberes. NO quiere estudiar. Y justo entonces descubre el lapicero. Morado. Puntiagudo. Perfecto. El lapicero de Jasper está dispuestísimo a hacer todos sus deberes por él. Gracias al lapicero, saca matrículas en todo. El lapicero hace todo lo que él piensa. El lapicero? empieza a llevar las riendas. Jasper parece preparado para librarse del lapicero maléfico.ero ¿está preparado el lapicero maléfico para dejar escapar a Jasper?

asper Rabbit has a problem: he is NOT doing well in school. His spelling tests? Disasters. His math quizzes? Frightening to behold. But one day, he finds a crayon lying in the gutter. Purple. Pointy. Perfect. Somehow…it looked happy to see him. And it wants to help.

At first, Jasper is excited. Everything is going great. His spelling is fantastic. His math is stupendous. And best of all, he doesn’t have to do ANY work! But then the crayon starts acting weird. It’s everywhere, and it wants to do everything. And Jasper must find a way to get rid of it before it takes over his life. The only problem? The creepy crayon will not leave.

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