Al borde del abismo

Author: Joan Halifax
- Non-Fiction
- Editorial Kairós
- ISBN: 9788499887470
- Release Date: 06-01-2021


How can a contemplative practice be a vehicle for social transformation? This examination of how we face suffering identifies five psychological territories, or ‘Edge States’?altruism, empathy, integrity, respect, and engagement. These embody our strength of character. Moreover, it is where our true potential lies. Only when we stand at the brim of these edges do we open up to the full range of our human experience and discover who we really are.

Yet each of these states can also cause personal and social suffering: altruism may be pathological; empathy may turn to anguish, integrity to moral suffering, and respect to irreverence; while engagement can lead to overwork and exhaustion. How can we avoid these traps and balance these opposing forces? In these pages, will readers will find a practical guide to help them cross the threshold of change and overcome fear with the aid of Zen traditions and mindfulness practices.

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