Estafas piramidales

Author: Daniel García Martínez
- Non-Fiction
- Editorial Almuzara
- ISBN: 9788418578786
- Release Date: 06-01-2021


Pyramid Scams: Deciphering Fraud from Inside the Pyramid

Thousands of people invest their money in a business that seems safe and offers great profits, yet they lose their capital and drag their relatives or friends with them. This book helps you open your eyes to avoid falling into the trap of companies that offer big earnings. People easily fall into their hands when they’re desperately trying to look for economic support.

Estafas piramidales: Descifrando el fraude desde dentro de la pirámide. Miles de personas invierten su dinero en un negocio que parece seguro y que ofrece grandes ganancias, sin embargo pierden su capital y arrastran consigo a conocidos, familiares o amigos.

Este libro te ayudará a abrir los ojos para no caer en la trampa de empresas que ofrecen grandes beneficios monetarios. Las personas caen fácilmente en sus manos cuando intentan desesperadamente buscar apoyo económico.


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