La grasa cura, el azúcar mata

Author: Bruce Fife
- Non-Fiction
- Editorial Sirio
- ISBN: 9788418531033
- Release Date: 02-01-2021


¿Qué hemos conseguido tras cuatro décadas siguiendo una dieta baja en grasa? ¡Estar más gordos y más enfermos! La obesidad ha alcanzado su punto álgido en nuestra sociedad y las enfermedades degenerativas como la diabetes, el alzhéimer, la artritis, la fibromialgia o el asma han llegado a proporciones epidémicas. El enfoque bajo en grasas para mejorar la salud ha sido un rotundo fracaso.

Cada vez más investigaciones demuestran que una dieta baja en carbohidratos y alta en grasas saludables puede equilibrar el azúcar en la sangre, estabilizar los niveles de colesterol, reducir la presión arterial, eliminar el exceso de grasa corporal, incrementar los niveles de energía, equilibrar las hormonas, fortalecer el corazón, mejorar la microbiota intestinal, aumentar la inmunidad y mucho más. Bruce Fiffe, autor de numerosas obras pioneras sobre los beneficios de las grasas saludables, denuncia, una vez más, cómo la industria del azúcar ha influenciado a la ciencia y a la opinión pública para demonizar a estos nutrientes esenciales. Descubre con este libro por qué las grasas son un alimento saludable y cómo pueden ayudarte a llevar una vida más sana.

This book offers great explanations about the fallacies we have been fed about reducing fat in our diet. Great read, highly recommended. Dr. Bruce Fife is a health expert who has written a great number of useful books that aim to improve health and increase longevity. He has discovered the real cause of obesity and illness and presents an intelligent solution. This book is a MUST have. It’s fantastic and such an eye opener. It should be read by all to understand the impact carbs have on our health as well as health professionals who still advocate low fat diets. A book that must be passed on to others.

For decades we’ve been avoiding fat like the plague, eating low-fat this, non-fat that, choosing egg whites over the yokes, and trimming off every morsel of fat from meat in order to comply with the generally accepted recommendation to reduce our fat intake. As a whole, we have succeeded in reducing our total fat intake and replacing it with more so-called healthy carbohydrates—most notably refined grains and sugar. What has been the consequence? Obesity is at an all-time high, diabetes and metabolic disorders have increased to epidemic proportions. Heart disease is still our number one killer. We have dutifully followed the advice of the “experts” and as a result, are sicker now more than ever before.What went wrong?

Replacing fat with refined carbohydrates was the worse dietary blunder of the 20th century and has led to the skyrocketing levels of chronic disease we are experiencing today.Throughout history fat has been highly prized. Our ancient ancestors ate every bit of fat on the game they caught and even took the effort to crack open the bones to access the fatty bone morrow. Pregnant and nursing women were given extra portions of fat to assure good health for both the mother and newborn child. Fat supplied between 50-90 percent of the calories of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Humans have been eating fat for many thousands of years and the human body is well adapted to metabolizing fat. Why then, has a traditional superfood suddenly become a dietary villain?You can give credit for that to the sugar industry. In the 1950s the sugar industry devised an elaborate plan to influence medical research, government agencies, and public opinion.

At this time, sugar was generally believed, and rightly so, to cause obesity, dental decay, and diabetes and emerging research suggested it was the primary cause behind the increasing rise of heart disease. This troubled the sugar industry, so they developed a “propaganda campaign,” as they called it, to divert negative attention away from themselves and place it on fat. That campaign proved highly successful.

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