
Author: Carlos Peramo
- Children/Young
- Combel Editorial
- ISBN: 9788483435946
- Release Date: 04-01-2021


Maure has one goal: to leave home and share a flat with Kim and Mark, his best friends. But everyone knows that, at just 11 years old, he’s going to have a very difficult time achieving this. However, he does not listen to reason and prepares a plan… at least for a while! This is an adventure about the meaning of growing up and getting older.

Maure tiene un objetivo: salir de casa y compartir piso con Kim y Mark, sus mejores amigos. Pero todo el mundo sabe que, con tan solo 11 años, le va a resultar muy difícil conseguirlo. Sin embargo, no escucha razones y prepara un plan… ¡al menos por un tiempo! Esta es una aventura sobre el significado de crecer y envejecer.

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