Ildefonso Cerdà: La Ciudad del Futuro

Author: Angel Simón, Jordi Vila i Delclòs, Àlex Tovar
- Children/Young
- Vegueta Ediciones
- ISBN: 9788417137502
- Release Date: 04-01-2021


The city of the future Ildefonso Cerdà Ildefonso Cerdá will be remembered as the founder of modern urbanism. A man ahead of his time, he was able to unite his two passions, engineering and politics, in a project that would bear his name: the Barcelona Eixample Plan or Cerdá Plan. Born at a time when the conditions of the working class in large cities were deplorable, he dedicated his life to creating a better environment for the inhabitants.

Despite the opposition of his contemporaries, he designed a city in accordance with his ideal of justice, equality and freedom. A clean place, full of light and green areas: the city of the future. Both the narrative register and the style of the images are suitable for readers from 7 years old. The text and images ensure that they deal with didactic themes that cut across the character's areas of activity, both for reading as a family and for use in schools and to reinforce the educational programme.

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