Quemar El Miedo

Author: Colectivo LASTESIS
- Non-Fiction
- Planeta Publishing
- ISBN: 9786070774058
- Release Date: 04-20-2021


Un violador en tu camino, octubre 2019, colectivo LASTESIS
Tenemos rabia. Rabia ante la invisibilización constante de nuestros abusos. [...] Rabia y miedo de ser agredidas, asesinadas, olvidadas. [...] Nos tocaron muchas veces en la calle y vivimos en carne propia el acoso impune. [...] Nos denigraron. 
[...] Nuestro testimonio siempre está en tela de juicio, [...] nunca es suficiente. [...] La impunidad del abuso, de la violación, está normalizada y la revictimización constante es insoportable. Aun así, nos odian cuando salimos, en masa, a decirles que ya no toleramos su maltrato, violencia y tortura. [...Y] si nos violan, nos apuntan como culpables. [...] Los sistemas de justicia son inoperantes y los candidatos a presidir los gobiernos se llenan la boca con eslóganes sobre igualdad, pero no plantean soluciones estatales para detener los feminicidios.
Porque es mentira que nos protegen. Porque es mentira que nos quieren vivas. [...] Nos roban todo, menos la rabia. [...] Juntas quemamos el miedo.

A rapist on your way, October 2019, colectivo LASTESIS
We have rage. Anger at the constant invisibility of our abuses. [...] Anger and fear of being attacked, killed, forgotten. [...] We have been touched many times in the street and we experienced the harassment with impunity firsthand. [...] They denigrated us.
[...] Our testimony is always into question, [...] it is never enough. [...] Impunity for abuse and rape is normalized and constant re-victimization is unbearable. Still, they hate us when we go out in masse to tell them that we no longer tolerate their mistreatment, violence and torture. [... And] if they rape us, they point us out as guilty. [...] The justice systems are inoperative and the candidates to preside over the governments fill their mouths with slogans about equality, but they do not propose state solutions to stop femicides.
Because it is a lie that they protect us. Because it is a lie that they want us alive. [...] They steal everything from us, except anger. [...] Together we burn fear.
This is the manifesto written by the Colectivo LASTESIS.

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