El oso Ale va a la luna

Author: Ilaria Bresciani
- Children/Young
- Editorial Anagrama
- ISBN: 9788417127671
- Release Date: 03-15-2021


El oso Ale está triste porque echa de menos a su mamá. Para encontrarse con ella sube a bordo de una nave espacial y pone rumbo... a la Luna! Un libro que nos ayuda a afrontar el tema de la muerte con los más pequeños, un tema muy complejo que, sin embargo, los niños afrontan con preguntas sencillas y directas.

A beautiful illustrated book with a great message for children and parents too. It includes a note at the end for adults on this complex theme: death. It will help parents to respond clearly, helping to assume reality.Ale the Bear Goes to the Moon is born with the willingness to make children feel reflected in it, to assimilate and verbalize better what happens to them. It helps adults to answer children with discretion and fill that emptiness left after a loss.

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